Bella Deary is a current Visual Arts student at QUT. Deary’s art practice takes an environmental standpoint as the artist aims to highlight the similarities between humans and nature by showing them as interconnected and integrated. Deary uses latex as a dominant material to resemble the internal human body, and combines this with digital imagery of water or the living body, to create abstract hybrids of humans and nature. Deary also explores interactive mediums such as installation and performance to evoke sensory and emotionally affective responses to nature. The domestic space is referenced in some of Deary’s work, acting as a representation of the human habitat in contrast with natural habitats. Deary often employs a process of mediation by working with digital mediums such as video and photography, and expands on motifs of water and latex through iterations and layering. By layering these themes Deary is able to simulate an interaction between them and construct imagined environments where humans and nature peacefully coexist. Deary’s work gathers influence from science, politics and activism and is expressed through interactive or abstract forms to promote an idealism whereby humans and nature maintain a symbiotic relationship.